
Tuesday, February 24, 2004

markets in london 

One of my favourite aspects about London is the market. I love that you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables, clothing, items for the home, etc. They are wonderful. Often cheaper than stores, the items are also usually of the same quality. Markets can have just a little bit of everything.

However, there are also specialty markets: flower, meat, etc. Flower markets are a great place to buy plants for your garden. I have heard that meat markets are quite nice, but being that I don't eat meat, the concept of buying it off the side of a truck or off a stall frightens me.

Occasionally on Saturday mornings, Adam and I will get up early and head to a market to load up on freshly baked bread, cheese, candles and herbs.

Monday, February 23, 2004

virtual building 

I found this while I was searching for a restaraunt in London. It is a fantastic virtual building. The project is over which is a shame, but it is still fun to see what people have created.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

wednesday morning coffee 

When I was in the US, I would walk into Dunkin' Donuts and order "a medium regular". In my hand would be placed a smooth and delicious medium-sized cup of coffee with cream and sugar added. It was perfection. I would pay my money and go. It couldn't be simpler.

In the UK, it is an adventure when I try to get a cup of coffee. The terminology is different for a start.

UK versus US
Take away = take out
Filter coffee = coffee
White = dairy, milk or cream

Then even if I think that I have used the correct words in the correct order as in: "I would like a filter coffee, white, for take away".
The person waiting on me will most likely not have understood me. It might be my fault because of my accent. They will look at me as if I have mumbled something unintelligible and then ask me what I want, step by step. For example, I will be asked, "What kind of coffee? Cappuccino? Filter?"
I answer that I would like a filter. The next step, "white?"
"Yes, I would like a white coffee". And so on, until the whole order is placed again.

Oh, and sugar. They don't add that. There is usually a stack of sugar packets near the counter somewhere. You will need to add your own.

Artificial sweetener? Please don't even let the thought cross your mind. There are places that have them, but they are usually specialty coffee shops. If you don't see them next to the sugar packets, assume they are not available.

Now before you think that I am one of those people that go to other countries and moan about how things are better in my country please understand, I am not. I just miss my lovely wonderful sweet Dunkin' Donuts.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

ordinary world 

Some may say that I am an old fogie or a sell out, but I disagree. Tonight, one of my favourites,Duran Duran, was honoured with a lifetime achievement award. I love Duran Duran and always have. I bought Decade and later Ordinary World, which is an exemplary album. Duran Duran stands the test of time. Long live Duran Duran.

Monday, February 16, 2004

monday's phone interview 

Well, I had a great day. I had a phone interview and it was succesful! They want me to come in for an interview on Friday. YAY! I am very excited about it. It's a good position with a fantastic organisation. I am thrilled.

Wish me luck for stage two.

Friday, February 13, 2004

paraskevidekatriaphobia: fear of friday the 13th 

"The sixth day of the week and the number 13 both have foreboding reputations said to date from ancient times; their inevitable conjunction from one to three times a year portends more misfortune than some credulous minds can bear. Folklorists say it's probably the most widespread superstition ..."

Is this legend backed by a modern study?
Entire paraskevidekatriaphobia article here

Thursday, February 12, 2004

thursday and all's well 

Nothing very exciting to report today. I have been busy all day doing aspects of my job that I really enjoy. Also, I went to the market and looked at lychees and shoes.

One piece of news is that I have phone interview with a "team" of people on Monday for a job and I am pretty excited about it. Although the idea of being on speaker phone with multiple interviewers frightens me, if I do the preparation, hopefully I will be fine. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

you cannot make this up 

I just arrived home from work. I looked out my living room window. I noticed someone moving in the brightly lit kitchen across the way.

It is a woman, in her 60s, with silver hair. She is wearing a white turtleneck, white underpants and black socks.

She is sawing a piece of plywood.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

qualified individual wanted 

It's Tuesday morning and I haven't had my second cup of coffee. That means that writing an entry at this point is dangerous. There is no telling where my mind will go. Actually, it seems under control at the moment so we will cross our fingers and wish for the best.

Probably not exciting for you, but I found an old roll of film in a box of my husband's. He thinks it is about five years old. He doesn't know what is on the roll, but I am picking up the developed pictures today. It is a mystery. Who will be on the film? Will I know them? What evil cohorts did he have before he met me? Ah, it was probably just the same gang only younger in appearance. I am sure one of them will be wearing a wig or a stupid hat. Still, finding an old roll offers so much potential.

Today, I am home again job searching. It isn't bad. I think it is because I am still in the early stages of the job hunt. Anyone who has job hunted, which is about everyone, will know that there are cycles. I am in a good place right now so I will just ride it for as long as I can.

Okay, I am off now to make that promised second cup of coffee. I will try to write later. I will add more links, as well.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

saturday with off and on showers 

I was told that yesterday's entry was a bit too serious. I actually meant it as less of a confessional and more of sharing funny quirks of my personality, but so there is no confusing today's comments, I will steer clear of too much personal poppycock.

I have begun to record my experiences of living in the UK and I recall when I first moved to London there was practical information that I didn't know. These included such things as the rates of postage stamps and telephone calls, proper terminology for opening a checking account, and what council tax is. The most difficult obstacle for me was with this implicit knowledge, there is not much explanation as to what something is or how you go about obtaining information about it, I quite often felt stranded.

As part of this blog I will occasionally try to include links that I have found to be useful. I hope it helps or at least will make you laugh.

The first link that I will start with is acculturation into London society. Now, living in London, you are exposed to different cultures, accents and terminology. A good starting point is a perhaps watching a little television. It is an easy way to listen to accents without offending anyone with the concentration face. I would suggest starting with my favourite show, EastEnders. It is a work of genius. Not only will it give you accents and vocabulary, but the storylines will suck you in.

If you are interested in discovering pub life, but you are wary of just wandering into any old place, I have found a site that is excellent, www.fancyapint.com. It provides reviews, maps and lists nearest tube stations.

Okay, that is enough for now. I will be back with more postings soon enough.

Friday, February 06, 2004

The emergence of indecisive girl 

I have noticed that when I become stressed, I tend to heavily self-doubt. This is a recent pattern that I have started since moving to England. I think it has emerged recently because I am job hunting. I worry about my future, my approach, my coverletters.

But, the problem doesn't remain with the job hunting. It seeps into all aspects of my life. It is exaggerated to such a point as I cannot decide what I want to eat for dinner or what I want to do at the weekend.

Why does this happen? I don't know. But like all illness, recognizing there is a problem is the first step.

How I will handle it? I will try to...No, I will make decisive decisions. I will acknowledge my bouts of indecision and deal with it head on.

I will try to inject humour. So, when there are amusing or frustrating stories revolving around it, I may post them. Stay reading.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

wonder woman has an anxiety attack 

Today was a grey day for me. Funny enough, it was quite sunny in the sky. Some days the feeling of job searching in another country is a bit much. I just feel like pulling the duvet over my head.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

heidi starts 

First entry...here we go!

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